Tuesday, February 10, 2009

sandra tsing loh

regular readers of this blog are probably aware by now of my attraction to women of a certain age. sandra tsing loh fits squarely in this category. it probably helps that she's of that generation of women, coming of age in the Reagan era, whose natural beauty and appeal was so totally ruined by the awful tastes and fashions of that era that, by comparison, they look even hotter now that a more rational aesthetic has prevailed. or maybe I've just been burned by too many girls my own age who didn't really know what they wanted.

anyway, smart, foul-mouthed, middle-aged, asian and sexy, sandra tsing loh is everything I want as a young man not quite yet of a certain age.

(when I reach that age, I'll probably want 18 year-old trannies in catholic school girl uniforms.)


Friday, February 6, 2009

erin hamlin, world champion american luger

from today's new york times:

There was a miracle at Lake Placid 29 years ago, and when you think about a 100-race winning streak, and the type of performance that the Germans have had over the years, this is up there. It’s just not something that people will notice as much, but it’s just as significant.

she's gorgeous. and apparently fearless. can't wait to see the bong photos.
